Thameside Medical Practice

Thames House, 180 High Street, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 8HU

Telephone: 020 8614 4930

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Repeat prescription requests are changing. Click here for more information.

Patient Participation Group

This practice have a Patient Participation Group and would like to invite you to take part.

The purpose of this group would be to meet with doctors and members of Practice staff at the Surgery 3-4 times a year to discuss topics of mutual interest for the Practice.

It is also an opportunity for patients to make positive suggestions about the Practice and its future development.

We like to make the group represent a cross-section of our patient population and therefore would like it to include a variety of ages, abilities and ethnic backgrounds.

If you think you would be interested in joining this group, please contact the Surgery and leave your details and the practice manager will contact you.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 08:00pm
    18:30 to 20:00 extended hours for pre-booked appointments only
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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