Clinics & Services
You can self-refer for physiotherapy via the following link:
Minor eye conditions:
You can be seen at a local minor eye conditions service via the following link:
Mental Health
For many people the current crisis may result in feelings of anxiety, loneliness or depression. Below is a link of support services and resources available for Richmond residents.
To access go to:-
Or call: 020 3513 4455
If you need mental health support in a crisis you can call the South West London and St George’s Mental Health Trsut 24/7 Mental Health Support Line on 0800 028 8000
The services is open to both children and adults of all ages.
Do not attend A&E if you have an emergency with your Mental Health.
Post-natal care Clinic
Cervical Smears
It is recommended that cervical smear tests are carried out as follows:
- Between the ages of 25 and 49 years – every three years
- Between the ages of 50 and 64 years – every five years
When booking an appointment, please tell the receptionist that you are attending for a smear test. This can be booked with the Practice Nurse.
Child Immunisations
We strongly advise immunisation for all children. If in doubt, please ask your Practice Nurse about this.
CLICK HERE to see the baby immunisations’ schedule.
Contraceptive Services & Family Planning Clinic
Flu & Pneumococcal Vaccination
Flu vaccinations are normally available from mid September until March – for clinic dates please contact the reception team in early September
These vaccinations are recommended for patients over the age of 65, patients suffering from with heart, lung, liver or kidney diseases, diabetes or residents of nursing homes. Please contact the surgery in mid Septemeber for further details. If you are housebound, a home visit can be arranged.
Smoking Cessation
Travel Health
There is a phlebotomist available every Thursday morning for blood tests. Please contact the reception team to make an appointment.
However, PLEASE NOTE as of 1st September 2021:
A supplier to the NHS has advised us of a global shortage of some equipment used for taking blood tests.
Anyone who needs a test for urgent health problems, will still get one but where your clinician recommends that it’s safe to do so, then you may be asked to come back for a test at a later date, or your appointment may be rescheduled.
Given the nature of the shortage, we cannot give an exact date for when the test will be rescheduled, but please be assured that if your condition or symptoms require it, then you will get a test, and we will be re-booking your test when supplies become more easily available.
If your condition or symptoms change or get worse, please contact the NHS as you would normally.
Physiotherapy Self Referral
If you are 16 or over and have are registered with Thameside Medical Practice you are able to refer to the MSK Physiotherapy Service for a range of muscle and joint problems including back/neck pain, joint pain, strains and sprains.
If you have recently developed any of the following please consult NHS 111 or your GP before referring yourself to physiotherapy:
- Changes in your bladder or bowel habits, numbness or tingling around your back passage or genitals, numbness, pins and needles or weakness in both legs
Please discuss with your GP before submitting a referral if you have any of the following:
- A hot swollen joint
- Constant severe pain which you are unable to find relief from
- Unexpected weight loss
- Generally feel unwell or have a fever
Travel Vaccinations
If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you need to make an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss your travel arrangements. This will include which countries and areas within countries that you are visiting to determine what vaccinations are required.
There is further information about countries and vaccinations required on the links below
Europe & Russia | North America |
Central America | South America |
Caribbean | Africa |
Middle East | Central Asia |
East Asia | Australasia and Pacific |
It is important to make this initial appointment as early as possible – at least 6 weeks before you travel – as a second appointment will be required with the practice nurse to actually receive the vaccinations. These vaccines have to be ordered as they are not a stock vaccine. Your second appointment needs to be at least 2 weeks before you travel to allow the vaccines to work.
Some travel vaccines are ordered on a private prescription and these incur a charge over and above the normal prescription charge. This is because not all travel vaccinations are included in the services provided by the NHS.
Non-NHS Services
Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges. Examples include the following:
- Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements (HGV, PSV etc.)
- Insurance claim forms
- Passport signing
- Prescriptions for taking medication abroad
- Private sick notes
- Vaccination certificates
The fees charged are based on the British Medical Association (BMA) suggested scales and our reception staff will be happy to advise you about them along with appointment availability.